Sunday, September 12, 2010

Birthday Boy...

To my sweet and spunky 4 year old...
I cannot believe that 4 years ago today I held you in my arms for the first time and you became a part of our family. Today you are the joy in in my days, the laughter in my afternoons, the sweet kiss just when I need it, and the soft "love you Mama" for no apparent reason at all. It melts my heart. I need it, and I needed you and the Lord knew.

You are growing into such a sweet little boy, and you are curious, inquisitive, adventurous, and tough! You love to tell jokes that you make up and we always laugh because you are sooooo cute! You love to read books and especially love Bible Stories and you hang on every word of each story. You still love to dress up and pretend to be someone or something else-I love it and love your BIG imagination. You are content to play alone and do a great job of making up games, but you and your sister have a ball playing together and when she is gone to school you ask me when we are leaving to pick her up many times throughout the day. You are into sports! Do you have a choice? You love to play with balls-footballs, basketballs, baseballs and golfballs, and you enjoy riding your tricycle in circles chasing your sister. You are left-handed but use both hands when playing sports-just like your mama. You know your alphabet and can count to 20. You are learning to write your name. You love to play on my computer and try to play games on my phone as well. I am always surprised at how well you do with both of these activities. We have started Preschool at home two mornings a week and you seem to love it! You asked me last week if you could just call me mom and not teacher-too cute! I love it too and cannot wait to spend more time with you playing, creating and watching you learn all kinds of new things. Love you sweet Caleb! Happy Birthday!


Did I mention that you insist on wearing your hat backwards whenever you have one on-funny kid!


nAnnAlYnn said...

hOllY...these pics of caleb are
adorable. they show his great grin
and to look at them you can nearly
hear him laugh and giggle. he has
a great laugh. miss you all,

Amanda Smith said...

Caled is adorable. Happy Birthday buddy! I can't believe he is 4 and I have never met him! We will have to change that one of these days!

Heidi Stork said...

Oh I have a big old tear in my eye...I'm so homesick for that sweet boy! Miss you all so much...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Caleb!

Auntie Heidi