Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3 and 7....

Apparently when you are 3 you like to dress up in any available costume and run around for hours pretending to be something else. Everyday is like that around here.

Also, did you know that at 7 you know just about everything there is to 100 + 100 = 200 and how to spell independent and so many other useful things. I apparently did not know but was informed today. You almost know enough that you really don't have to go to school but maybe you want more for your life and you decide that making friends, learning new things, and even doing the dreaded mad minutes in Math can be fun! Cannot believe that school is officially underway and I have a second grader in the house, which reminds me that I have a lunch to pack and some laundry to fold before tomorrow...Oh the un-scheduled days of summer are over! BOO!

The good news is that the first words at lunch that came from the aforementioned 7 year old were "Mom, I can't wait for tomorrow because I get to go to school again!"

1 comment:

Heidi Stork said...

I wish I was 7 again if it meant I knew everything you really need to know. Still don't!

Tell zebra boy I said NICE STRIPES!

Auntie Heidi