Saturday, May 7, 2011

National Scrapbook Day!!

Are you getting crafty today??
Make sure to include in your holiday activities a stopover at the Freehand Scraps website today to check out their HUGE SALE and other fun challenges, tutorials and lots of ideas and inspiration. You will not want to miss it!!

I wish I had something crafty to share with you today...I might have a few mother's day cards later on in the day. (That is my intention) and I also intended to say few words about my mom....I appreciate her more now than ever after having my own kids. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She is loving, gracious, compassionate, creative, crazy talented, inspiring and thoughtful. She loves the Lord with all of her mind, and soul...and spurs me onto greatness in the Lord and as a wife and mother. She is my most trusted friend who knows all my faults and still takes the time to love me and encourage me and build me up. Just the other day, on the phone, while I sat crying with her (I was the only one crying) she proceeded to tell me what I good mother I am and gave me a bit of a pep talk. I felt much better and moved on. Oh, I hope to be 1/10th of the mother to my children that you have
been to me, Mom. If the words here don't make sense, I am blaming it on the lack of sleep that has been happening at this house for quite some time. Below is the reason...our newest addition is only 2 weeks old!?
Shown here with my dear Mom.

I love you Mom-Happy Mother's Day!

Here's wishing you all a wonderful NSD and Mother's Day weekend!!

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